Tuesday, March 18 2025

Top 15 Google Tricks You Must Try.

Hello!! Friend today I'm here with my new article. In this article i have written about most popular search engine's 15 tricks.I hope this will be helpful to you.

Google is a world largest search engine and company which lead world most popular site like Gmail, YouTube and google maps.Also Google Gives job to millions of people online.People can monetize their site by creating AdSense account linked with their web sites.Also, Google have an android company named as Google pixel which is also most featured android phone.

15 Google Trick

  1. Google can be used as timer you can set a timer by typing "set timer to 10 minutes" it will ring after the timer was stop.This is a quick solution if you're waiting to pick the kids up from school or to make an important phone call. Google timer is especially useful if you don't have your smartphone handy to check the time or use the built in stopwatch.
  2. Search Only things you want. Many people are facing problem of getting unwanted result while searching in search engine.Now forget the problem and just search the topic you want type "site:cnbc.com Ronaldo" You will get all about Ronaldo in Search Result.
  3. Check Flight status.Don't need to contact or visit other website for flight time just type ex."Flight 25 Southwest"or "Flight Kathmandu to Pokhara" and find a result. 
  4. Know the Traveling time from one place to another just by typing "Kathmandu to Pokhara by Road"
  5. Google
     Fun Trick Just Type "do a barrel roll" Google start rolling before the searching for result.
  6. If you want to download PDF File About Anythings you want to just type example"Hacking Trick B PDF" and you will find the link with PDF file every single site you click are PDF file Download Link.
  7. To find movie review and showtime near you just type " Movies 32256" or "Movies near me".
  8. Sport Score: To See Sport Schedule and Score Just Type "Real Madrid Vs Valencia" or League Name For Score and Schedule.
  9. Weather: To see Weather Condition near You just type "Pokhara Weather" and find the result .
  10. Dictionary : Google have secret Dictionary that's give wide range of result for a word.
  11. Converter : Google Converter that's help to convert.Kilometers, miles, yard you name it and Google will convert it. Plug in the metric you're looking to convert and Google will do all the calculations. Even readjust the data after your initial search.
  12. Quickly type tip calculator into Google and in seconds, calculate the exact tip for your meal, based upon a personalized percentage and the number of people dining. While there are apps that can provide a similar service, utilizing the search engine might just save an extra step or 125 cent on App Store.
  13. Toss: Difficulty in Toss then just search or press the microphone and say Flip a coin .This feature lets Google flip a coin for you when you don't have one on hand.
  14. Top Games : To find out Top Games to buy just search for " Top PC Games 2017" And Find a result to See review and buy them.
  15. Another Fun Trick that bring circle bom and destroy the link result in search. Type "Zerg Rush" and take a fun look.

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